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Where do I come from:

I come from one of the most famous wine region in the world called Margaux located in the outskirts of Pauillac. I went to the University in Talence. Afterwards, I got my DEA (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies) named Astrophysique, Planétologie, Sciences et Techniques Spatiales in Toulouse. The report is available here (in french only, sorry!). My supervisors were Alain Klotz, Emmanuel Caux from the CESR and Jean-Louis Monin from the LAOG. The subject dealt with the search for brown dwarf candidates in the Serpens Molecular Cloud. Near-infrared imaging was obtained with the SofI infrared camera mounted on the NTT (New Technology Telescope) in 1999. Follow-up spectroscopy of some selected cluster candidates was conducted with the ISAAC camera on the VLT (Very Large Telescope) in July 2000. 

PhD thesis:


I joined the AIP (Astrophysicalisches Institut Potsdam) in mid-september 2000 as a PhD student employed by the European Commission Research Training Network entitled "The Formation and Evolution of Young Stellar Cluster". My PhD thesis dealt with the search for brown dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood and in young open clusters, Alpha Persei and Collinder 359. I successfully defended my PhD on 07 July 2004 at the CESR in Toulouse. 


Post-doctoral position:

In October 2004, I joined the University of Leicester for 2 years as a postdoctoral research associate working with Richard Jameson on the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). My work mainly focused on the identification of cool field brown dwarfs in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey and the study of the substellar IMF using data from the Galactic Clusters Survey.

Permanent job:


In December 2006, I joined the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC) as generic post-doc working in the brown dwarf group. In July 2009, I got awarded a 5-year Ramon y Cajal fellowship at the IAC from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education. I am now a staff astronomer at the IAC since February 2016.

Nicolas Lodieu

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