I am an active member of the ERA Chair programme LIOM led by Jeff Kuhn awarded to the IAC for 5 years (February 2023-January 2028) to develop the ExoLife Finder telescope and the project scientist of the Small-ELF prototype
Team Members
1) Prof Jeff Kuhn (01/02/2023-now): Head of the team
2) Dr Nicolas Lodieu (01/02/2023-now): Project scientist of Small-ELF
3) Victor Quintero: project manager
4) Natalia Arteaga Marrero (15/11/2023-now): post-doc Wavefront sensing and Machine learning
5) Maria Auxiliadora Padron Brito (01/12/2023-now): post-doc in photonics
6) Patricia Concepcion Fernandez Izquierdo (01/12/2023-now): post-doc in opto-mechanics
7) Paula Sola de la Serna (01/2024-11/2024): laboratory technician, expert in optics
8) Diego Alberto Tamayo Guzman (15/11/2023-now): control system engineer
9) Alejandro Ruiz Sabina (01/12/2023-15/02/2025): Mechanical engineer
10) Prof Rafael Rebolo (01/02/2023-now)
11) Cayetano Vico Medina: PhD student in optics (01/03/2025-now)
12) Adrian Sanchez: PhD student in astrophotonics (01/03/2025-now)
13) X Y : LIOM journalist (XX/03/2025-now)
Media coverage
El Dia: visit of the President of the Canarian Government on Friday 3 November 2023
El Dia: Evento Museum de La Ciencia de La Laguna: Del Silencio al Contacto
La provincia: Evento Museum de La Ciencia de La Laguna: Del Silencio al Contacto
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