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The ExoLife Finder (ELF)
I am an active member of the ExoLife Finder (ELF) consortium by Jeff Kuhn.



  1. Lodieu et al. (2022, EPSC, 16, 510): Small-ELF: a propotype for the future ExoLife Finder hybrid optical telescope

  2. Moretto et al. (2022, SPIE, 12188E, 0DM): An emerging hybrid technology toward ultra-light and self-correcting, "live" mirrors

  3. Zhou et al. (2022, SPIE, 12182E, 2ZJ): Small-ELF Telescope: opto-mechanical design and application of tensegrity

  4. Kuhn et al. (2022, SPIE, 12182E, 0GK): The small-ELF project: toward an ultra-large coronagraphic optical receiver


  1. Talk at the Innovation Workshop Multidisciplinar held on 2-3 November 2023 at IACTEC, Tenerife, Canary Islands

  2. Talk at the workshop entitled "Jornadas: Acercando a la Industria al universo del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias" held on 28 September 2023 at the IACTEC in Tenerife, Canary Islands

  3. Talk at the workshop entitled "China-Spain collaboration on astronomical high-resolution spectroscopy" held on 25-28 July 2023 in Fuencaliente, La Palma, Canary Islands 

  4. Talk at the European Astronomical Society 2023 (EAS2023) meeting held on 10-14 July in Krakow, Poland 

  5. Talk at the EPSC2022 held on 19-23 September 2022 in Granada (Spain) on the Small-ELF prototype

  6. Talk at the SEA2022 held on 5-9 September 2022 in Tenerife (Canary Islands) on the Small-ELF prototype

  7. Talk at the Bienal de Fisica @ Murcia, Spain: 13-15 July 2022


  1. Debate about Life in the Universe, Museo de la Ciencia de La Laguna on 7 February 2025

  2. LIOM 3rd workshop held at the IACTEC in Tenerife on 3-6 February 2025

  3. LIOM 2nd workshop held at the IACTEC in Tenerife on 14-16 February 2024

  4. LIOM Kick-off meeting held at the IACTEC in Tenerife on 13-17 February 2023

  5. Booth at the International Aeronautical Congress (IAC2022) conference held on 18-22 September at the Paris Convention Centre (France)


  1. Roll-up at the entrance of the IACTEC building, La Laguna, Tenerife



  1. The Exolife Finder telescope

  2. The Breakthrough Starshot Reverse

  3. The Breakthrough Starshot Array animation from Buble

Media coverage

  1. El Dia (Small-ELF):

  2. IAC:

  3. TV Canaria noticias:

  4. TV Canaria twitter:

  5. El Dia:

  6. MuyBuenas:

  7. ULL:

  8. Canarias 7:

  9. Canarias ZEC:

  10. Faro de Vigo:

  11. Levante EMZ:

  12. El Dia: visit of the President of the Canarian Government on Friday 3 November 2023

  13. El Dia: Evento Museum de La Ciencia de La Laguna: Del Silencio al Contacto

  14. La provinciaEvento Museum de La Ciencia de La Laguna: Del Silencio al Contacto


Nicolas Lodieu

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