Current team members:
Manuel Mallorquin Diaz (October 2020-now): PhD student at IAC/ULL (co-supervisor Victor Bejar): exoplanets in open clusters and young moving groups, GP processes
Jun-Yan Zhang (November 2021-now): PhD student at IAC/ULL (co-supervisor Eduardo Martin Guerrero de Escalante): metal-poor brown dwarfs, subdwarfs
Former team members:
Marcela Espinoza Contreras: former PhD student (January 2010-September 2014): M subdwarfs, large-scale surveys. Now telescope operator at ESO Paranal (Chile)
Steve Boudreault: former post-doc (December 2011- May 2013): open clusters in UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey. Now at the Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung in Goettingen (Germany)
ZengHua Zhang: former post-doc (October 2013- February 2017): M and L subdwarfs, large-scale surveys. Now associate professor at Nanjing University (China)
Carlos Cardona: PhD student at IAC/ULL (co-supervised with Victor Bejar, started on 2 May 2017, PhD defended on 18 April 2022): exoplanets around young stars, spectroscopic binaries. Now employed by Opportunity Network in Barcelona (outside science)
Javier Olivares Romero (July 2021- April 2022): post-doc paid by the Spanish Ministry of Science: brown dwarfs, Euclid mission. Now post-doc at UNED in Madrid
Marusa Zerjal (July 2021-September 2022): post-doc supported by the Canarian government: open clusters, Gaia. Now post-doc fellow of the SUBSTELLAR2022 ERC grant led by Prof. Eduardo Martin
Jan Subjak: PhD student at Prague University (co-supervised with Petr Kabath, started in October 2018 and defended on 16 September 2022): exoplanets, brown dwarfs: awarded the Jana Friče Prize of the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ASU). Now at CfA, USA